Chapter 01 Biological Psychology Terms

What is Altruistic Behavior
*An action that benefits someone other than the actor

What is Artificial Selection
*A process of selecting plants/animals for desired traits

What are Autosomal Genes
*All Chromosomes other than X and Y

What are Chromosomes
*Strands of genes

What is Deoxyribonucleic Acid
*DNA – Double-stranded molecule that is part of the chromosomes

What are Dizygotic twins
*Fraternal (non-identical) twins derived from two eggs

What is a Dominant Gene
*A gene that shows a strong effect in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition

What are Enzymes
*Biological catalysts that regulate chemical reactions in the body

What is Epigenetics
*A field that deals with changes in gene expression without modification of the DNA sequence

What is Evolution
*A change over generations in the frequencies of various genes in a population

What is Evolutionary Psychology
*A field that deals with how behaviors evolved

What is Fitness
*The spreading of genes; number of copies of one’s genes that endure in later generations

What are Genes
*Units of heredity that maintain their structural identity from one generation to another

What is Heritability
*An estimate of the degree to which variation in a characteristic depends on genetic variations in a given population

What does Heterozygous mean?
*Having two unlike genes for a given trait

What does Homozygous mean?
*Having two identical genes for a given characteristic

What is Kin Selection
*Selection for a gene that benefits the individual’s relatives

What is Lamarckian Evolution
*A theory of evolution through the inheritance of acquired characteristics

What are Monozygotic Twins
*Twins (identical) derived from one egg

What is a Mutation
*A heritable change in a DNA molecule

What is Phenylketonuria
*PKU – A genetic inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine

What are Recessive Gene
*One that shows effects only in the homozygous condition

What is Reciprocal Altruism
*Helping others who may be helpful in return

What is Ribonucleic Acid
*RNA – A single-strand chemical

What is a Sex-limited Gene
*Gene that exerts its effects primarily in one sex because of activation by androgens or estrogens; both sexes may have the gene

What is a Sex-linked Gene
*Gene on either the X or the Y chromosome

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