Chapter 11 Biological Psychology Terms

Activating effects
*Temporary effect of a hormone, which occurs at any time in life while the hormone is present

*A protein that binds with estradiol in the bloodstream of immature mammals

*Testes-produced hormones that are more abundant in males

Androgen Insensitivity
*Testicular feminization – condition in which individuals with an XY chromosome pattern have the genital appearance of a female because their body cannot utilize androgens

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
*CAH – The overdevelopment of the adrenal glands from birth

*A hormone in the estrogen family

*Family of hormones that are more abundant in females

Follicle-stimulating Hormone
*FSH – Chemical released from the anterior pituitary; promotes the growth of ovarian follicles

Gender Identity
*The sex with which a person identifies

*An individual who has a mixture of both male and female reproductive structures

*The inability to have an erection

*People whose sexual development is intermediate or ambiguous

Luteinizing Hormone
*Hormone released from the anterior pituitary that causes the follicle to release an ovum

Menstrual Cycle
*A periodic variation in hormones and fertility over the course of about 28 days

Müllerian Ducts
*Precursors to female internal structures; present in both genetic males and females

Organizing Effects
*Long-lasting effects of a hormone that are present during a sensitive period early in development

*Hormone released by the posterior pituitary; important for sexual and parental behaviors.

Periovulatory Period
*Time around the middle of the menstrual cycle of maximum fertility and high estrogen levels

*Steroid hormone that prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized ovum and promotes the maintenance of pregnancy

Sensitive Period
*Time early in development when experiences have a particularly strong and enduring influence

Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus
*Area in the anterior hypothalamus that is larger in males than in females and contributes to control of male sexual behaviors

Sexual Selection
*Tendency for a gene to spread in the population if it makes individuals more appealing to the opposite sex

SRY Gene
*Gene that causes the primitive gonads to develop into testes.

Steroid hormones
*Hormones that contain four carbon rings

Testicular Feminization
*Condition in which individuals with an XY chromosome pattern have the genital appearance of a female

*An androgen that is more prevalent in males than in females

Wolffian Ducts
*Precursors to male internal structures; present in both genetic males and females

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